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Jupiter Re-Enters Aquarius

Jupiter Retrograde in Aquarius 2021

The Planet of Luck, Travel, and Expansion, Jupiter, re-enters Aquarius July 28th, 2021, where it will tour until December 30th.

Aquarius is the Sign of social issues, humanitarian causes and group endeavors, signaling a boost in these areas as we enter the second half of 2021.

We may find we are more inspired to want to put in the work to make our world a more fair, humane place for ALL humans. We may find that there is more technological developments at this time, scientific discoveries and political discourse as Jupiter expands these properties.

This transit is a significant tonal difference from Jupiter in Pisces, as Jupiter was in its domicile in Pisces. Since it’s extra cozy in that sign, it was doling out extra blessings. However, Jupiter could have gone overboard during its tour in Pisces May 13-July 28, 2021. Pisces is the sign of escapism and fantasy, and Jupiter is partial to excess, so if there’s certain elements of our lives or our society that have gotten out of control.

Jupiter moving retrograde back into Aquarius tempers, calms and limits this energy.

We may need to find we need to “go backward to go forward,” and think of what could impact the broad collective more helpfully in order to move forward in a powerful one.

Jupiter Aquarius Retrograde 2021

With Jupiter now answering to Saturn, the planet of restriction, we could find growth and blessings come slowly, steadily, through hard work. 

Jupiter will dip back into the portion of the sky it transited from March 26 - May 13, bringing back themes from this period of our life, renewing opportunities that emerged at this time and giving us a gift as it leaves this portion of our Chart for good (or at least for the next twelve years, that is!) 

What can we expect from Jupiter the planet of Luck, Growth, and Abundance when it transits Aquarius, for our lives and collectively? 
Jupiter Aquarius 2021

🪐 Jupiter in Aquarius 2021 - Read for your Rising

  • Aries Rising ♈

Aries, for you, you’re getting a boost around your hopes and dreams for the future during this transit. You could reconnect with some contacts you could have aligned with towards the beginning of the year. You may notice a majority of your opportunities come to you through other people, so channel your inner social butterfly and get your networking on! This is an aligned time to reconnect with old colleagues or bosses in order to support your growth forward. If you’ve been craving community, this Jupiterian influence signals luck found in finding your ideal friends. 

  • Taurus Rising ♉

You may be feeling more optimistic about your career and public persona. There could be a bit of a slowdown in this sector - aim for a slow and steady pace, and look for opportunities to expand into your ideal career. Whether it’s freeing yourself from an obligation that isn’t aligned with your ideal legacy in the public eye or chasing a career path that feels more inspired, the second half of the year is about expanding your perception in the public eye in a meaningful way. 

  • Gemini Rising ♊

For you twins, you’re getting a boost in regards to your faith, optimism and spiritual outlook on the world. You may get an opportunity to rebook a trip that you previously put off, or an opportunity to enroll in higher education. You’re really contemplating your place in the world and where you fit into it with Jupiter in your fellow air sign. Expect a lucky boost if you have Gemini placements between 22-29 degrees.

  • Cancer Rising ♋

Here, you can get a boost around shared finances, so you could find your partner gets a raise during this time or you otherwise receive support from others. Some Cancers could receive investment or hefty tax returns they weren’t expecting. Since the area it’s transiting governs death, some Cancers could be processing grief or making peace with a huge transformation that took place in their lives. 

  • Leo Rising ♌

To the Leos, Jupiter will re-enter the sector of other people so for you, much of your luck in the latter half of the year is absorbed in the one-to-one contacts with your life. Single Leos may get many interested individuals who wish to couple or partner with them. Commited Leos may be craving more freedom within their union, or feel more optimistic about their relationships. 

  • Virgo Rising ♍

Virgos, you’re all about the day to day, and Jupiter is transiting through the house that governs day to day, health. You could be craving more freedom in your day-to-day. You could get a boost in your health or be more interested in taking care of the small details of your life. 

  • Libra Rising ♎

Time to get your flirt on, Libras, as Jupiter is entering your fellow air sign, Aquarius, which for you indicates your sector of romance and fun. A fling or creative idea you had towards the beginning of the year could be reignited at this time and brought to completion. Use this influence to have more fun, get your flirt on and inspire romance and playfulness in your life! 

  • Scorpio Rising ♏

The planet of luck, abundance and growth will re-enter your 4th house of home, family and emotional state, so you may get an opportunity to move, renovate your home or reconnect with family. This could be something you were contemplating towards the beginning of the year, and here you’re getting the cosmic push to make the shifts that will genuinely contribute to your joy and safety. Expect to feel a bit more optimistic and crave a little bit more time at home - the second half of 2021 is about setting yourself up with a safe sanctuary, a nourishing home base. 

  • Sagittarius Rising ♐

When Jupiter shifts signs, that’s a BIG deal, Sagittarius! That’s because you’re ruled by the biggest planet of the universe, Jupiter, so you’re more sensitive to where it’s shifting through. With Jupiter re-entering Aquarius, it impacts the sector of your chart governing communication and skills, so you may be inspired to enroll in a class you’ve contemplating for a long time or put more effort into reaching people with your words (via social media, a blog, a book, etc!) You could enjoy learning from others and communicating with those in your immediate surroundings. 

  • Capricorn Rising ♑

For you, Capricorn risings, there could be a boost of income associated with the second half of the year. No, this doesn’t mean run to the casino - remember that your ruler, Saturn, is also transiting this sector, so it signals it’s the time for slow and steady financial gains. Look for ways to practically increase income. You may be contemplating an opportunity or new idea that came your way earlier this year and be motivated to put it into action. You may find you are more optimistic about your financial future, and perhaps ready to invest in something you’ve been wanting for a long time! Jupiter expands where it touches, so it’s expanding both your income and expenditures - so while you should reward yourself, remember to budget while you have this lucky influence on your side! 

  • Aquarius Rising ♒

This will be a significant boost, especially for those who have their Aquarius placements between 22-29. You may notice your personality feels larger than life, you can feel more open and optimistic towards new experiences and more accepting of yourself and others. Truly, the lucky rays of your life at this time can be shone in many different directions, so take this cosmic boost and put yourself out there - fortune favors the bold, and luck is on your side the rest of the year! 

  • Pisces Rising ♓

Your ruler is moving into the hidden sector of your chart, so you may notice some of your manifestations are taking longer to show up than you are accustomed to. Stay patient, little fish! You may be craving more solitude and spirituality. Feed your spirit and withdraw from the world when you need to pour into yourself. You may find your dreams are especially vivid in the second half of the years, and your intuitive gifts are razor sharp.

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